Departments are responsible for day-to-day management of agency usage, within a framework set out by the Trust in conjunction with Procurement, Finance, and HR.

Our current framework provider is Bank Partners, and the system provider is RLDatix. We don’t use Direct Engagement.

The contract expires 31/3/2025 but has two 12-month optional extensions built into the contract.

We have a Neutral Vendor arrangement in place provided by Pulse Healthcare Ltd (Bank Partners) which is used for all staff groups.

Our bank is used exclusively for the Trusts’ own workforce requirements.


Our Temporary Staffing Overview can be accessed here. The file includes numbers of shifts, indicative hourly rate and spend and providers used from April 2017 to previous month end.

Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
XLSX file icon Temporary Staffing Overview - 2024.2025 Temporary_Staffing_Overview_-_2024.2025.xlsx 05/11/2024 8.23 MB
XLSX file icon Temporary Staffing Overview - 2020.2021 Temporary_Staffing_Overview_-_2020.2021.xlsx 07/05/2024 15.99 MB
XLSX file icon Temporary Staffing Overview - 2019.2020 Temporary_Staffing_Overview_-_2019.2020.xlsx 07/05/2024 17.13 MB
XLSX file icon Temporary Staffing Overview - 2021.2022 Temporary_Staffing_Overview_-_2021.2022.xlsx 07/05/2024 19.07 MB
XLSX file icon Temporary Staffing Overview - 2023.2024 Temporary_Staffing_Overview_-_2023.2024.xlsx 07/05/2024 19.86 MB
XLSX file icon Temporary Staffing Overview - 2022.2023 Temporary_Staffing_Overview_-_2022.2023.xlsx 07/05/2024 27.83 MB